Finding your way to mental health can be quite the challenge in the world we live in today. Things can be so overstimulating and demanding that it's enough to make a person want to tear their hair out some days!
Having struggled with anxiety myself on planet shitshow, I realized that one of the best ways to put self love into action was to bring humor into my self care routine. In addition to the usual journeys to self care (think a massage, the spa, or even a hot bath at home with some candles), humor seemed to be a huge key to lightening me up and helping me learn to let go. It's important to find a way to laugh when you're an ever-evolving primate living on a spinning rock in outerspace. I've also found that there's a tie between laughing at myself and finding self compassion!
Learning that laughter was self care also inspired me to create a collection of pill box designs that would help both myself and other people smile when they really needed it. So, whether it's anxiety, depression, or any other mental health issue that you find yourself working through, I hope storing your pills, vitamins, and other supplements in a box that packs a little humor will help you find a little more happiness.